Versatile Blogger Award x2 :)

Posted on the 05 October 2013 by Yssabelles

Woohoo! Waking Up in Blush has been nominated twice for her second award by these two lovely ladies Kayla of the and Kerry of the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD is an award for versatility in writing, photography and the “uniqueness” of subjects covered, whether it’s about beauty, fashion or even just the everyday ramblings.RULES:  ·   Display the Award on your blog.  ·   Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.  ·   Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award  ·    Link your nominees and let them know you nominated them  ·    Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

So without further ado, here are the 7 Facts about Alyssaof Waking Up in Blush. :)  1.   I am a FOURTH YEAR MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY STUDENT – it’s my last year in college (graduating in 2014, cheers for that!) and I am so excited to work in a hospital or a clinical laboratory. (But I’m still thinking if I will continue in Med school and be a pediatrician, a cardiologist or a dermatologist)
  2.   I am a BOOKWORM – I love reading books, especially novels written by John Green or Lisi Harrison like The Fault in Our Stars or The Abundance of Katherines, The Clique Series and Alphas. I have a mini library in my room. That’s what I usually do in my free time.
  3.   My favorite color is YELLOW – Canary yellow to be specific. Most of the things that I own are in color yellow, except for the color of the walls in my room. I just love the color yellow, for me it’s classy and very catchy in the eye. J
  4.   I love SPORTS – I maybe girly and fashionable but there’s a part of me which is into sports.  I am actually a sports babe, I can play basketball, volleyball, softball, swimming, soccer, badminton, darts, biking. I think that’s also a good way to exercise and stay fit.
  5.   I am a MOVIE JUNKIE – I love watching movies and I am always updated with the new movies that are currently showing in the cinemas.
  6.   I am a COFFEE ADDICT – I drink coffee a LOT. I know caffeine is a little bit harsh for my health, but I can’t help myself not to drink too much of it. I sometimes drink 4-5 glasses a day, (sometime more, Ooops!:D)
  7.   I’m starting now my make up collection, I hope I can show it to you guys soon, but for now I am still organizing my stuff and I still need to buy some more acrylic cases (MUJI ones) and lipstick organizers. J
These are my nominees:AllyAbbieRochelleLULUJosieYana( It's hard to find people but here are the gorgeous ladies I nominated for this award, do check out there blog. )
I hope we all grow together, find new blogs and meet new friends. Don’t forget to inform me if you answered it already, I’d love to read your post and promote your blog as well. (Promote my blog too!J)Talk to you guys soon!
Yssa, xo