I like my little bloga place where I abideIt isn't very poshbut a place I've laughed & cried
I work with really nice peopleand companies that are greatand sometimes I photograph the food upon my plate
I love my little blogit doesn't draw a crowdbut if I've got something to say it lets me say it - LOUD
PR companies of which I have workedare really always very cooland rarely am I irkedor left feeling like a tool
So this morning when gmail calledimagine my surprisea bunch of lovely emailsfrom the Devil in disguise
I had approached a companya friendly little Hijust to say do you use bloggersand this was the reply
Her blog is awfulNo way! they saidit's her I told you aboutshall we send her a bed?
Absolutely not - her blog is really badI read on these emailsand it made me very sad
I wrote back and said STOP Do you not know you are sending them to meBUT they carried onand didn't listen to my plea
I looked up the company directorsand it actually came from themI hope they don't discuss investorsor the company they'd condemn
How very unprofessionaldon't get me wrong I can take NObut to do it so personallywhat a seriously bad show
So off I toddled to a blogger groupand amid the tearsI told them what was happeningand you could hear the jeers
It is not the criticismor their response to my pleabut to not check that I'd been senttheir opinion of me
SO PR peeps please be awareWe bloggers we do mixand situations like this are very hard to fix
Just make sure if you thinkthat this or that blogs' no goodDON'T email the bloggerand be PROFESSIONAL like you should.