VIB: Very Inspiring Blogger

Posted on the 30 August 2012 by Simplystephanieblog @StephanieKonar

So someone, somewhere in the blogosphere invented these kind of nerdy “Blog Awards.” They are passed on from blogger to blogger and although do not hold any real value or significance, they are an honor to receive nevertheless and shamefully fun. So because my most favorite Canadian friend Laura bestowed upon me the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award,” (and who can say no to a Canadian?), I am gratefully accepting and carrying on the warm fuzzies.

Because I am so awesome (which is clearly why I am getting this), I am supposed to share random facts about myself.

  1. I took the liberty of memorizing “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” from Mary Poppins after seeing it on Broadway for my Birthday. I have been known on occasion to grace my coworkers with a reenactment complete with song and dance.
  2. (Per Brian’s suggestion): I like to bite people and burp half the alphabet. (Brian is now no longer being consulted for answers in future posts).
  3. Am 27 years old, but still run to beat children in line at Disney to take picture with characters or to beat them to the horse I want on the carousel. May enlist family members to assist with blocking children for me while I make my run. Guilty… 

Being a VIB comes with its responsibilities, like pointing out other VIBs. Here are my top 3:

  1. Spiritual World Traveler: Zully made a decision to travel the world, and started doing it. She logs her journey and posts her beautiful photos on her blog and reminds me of what I one day hope to achieve when I can take the same leap that she did.
  2. Fly Away Home Book: Maggie has written a book, traveled the world, moved to (and now lives in Norway), and is kind enough to share her life on her blog with those who live vicariously through her. All kidding aside, I adore her posts and secretly hope to one day be living a life very similar to hers (but in a warmer climate).
  3. Eden Hills: EH is my secret blog pleasure. With goats being my favorite animal, and always wanting to own a farm, Eden Hill is my 5 year-old dream life come true. They post the most adorable goat pictures and just talk about all things farm, but in a creative and captivating way.

So there it is. A few random facts, a few good blogs to check out, and Stephanie has been deemed inspiring by peers. My life is pretty much complete now. Once again, a curtsey and thank you to Laura for such lovely compliments left for me in her own post, and thinking of my blog as worthy to nominate. I love blogging for moments like this. They are silly, simple and fun, exactly as life should be.

Yours Truly,
