
Posted on the 25 April 2014 by Kaushikgov @kaushikgov

V for Vibrant– A to Z Blogging Challenge April 2014 – Comments I’ve Received

V for Vibrant

‘Vibrant’ – colourful and energetic. Who would dislike such an atmosphere, and the persons who create such an atmosphere?!

As I’ve mentioned enormous times earlier, I was not an extrovert or that kind of person who’d be brimming with energy all day. But stepping into college was a turning point in my life. Meeting new people, new friends, new atmosphere, new cultures as well created a drastic change and then I realised the happiness that one’d get in being enthusiastic and energetic is tremendous!

A vibrant person fills the air with energy and bring out the spirit from others, as some did to me. Being energetic makes one to do work with enthusiasm and without getting tired. And the best thing, it is highly contagious. Staying with an energetic person enhances the mood and makes us also to be as energetic as them.

Be vibrant, enjoy your work and have a happy weekend!


God Bless