A promissory note that is payable on demand can be redeemed by the payee at any time, whereas a time note has a date for payment on its face that establishes the date when the holder will have an enforceable right to receive payment under it. There is no obligation to pay a time note until the date designated on its face.
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If the time provided for payment of an instrument is definite except for the presence of an acceleration clause, the time of payment of the instrument is still considered definite. That is, a note can provide that the time for payment will be accelerated if a certain event takes place or at the option of one of the parties to the agreement without destroying its negotiability. Also acceptable are extensions of the payment period, which can be made at the choice of the holder, maker, or acceptor, or immediately when a particular act occurs.
Commercial Paper legal definition of Commercial Paper
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The sum must be payable in money, which is a medium of exchange adopted by governments otherwise, the document is not considered commercial paper.
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An instrument that has been dishonored ordinarily has that fact indicated on its face. For example, a check might be stamped insufficient funds, account closed, or payment stopped. An individual who accepts such a document possessing knowledge of its dishonor cannot be a holder in due course. A person cannot be a holder in due course if he or she takes an instrument subject to his or her knowledge that a claim exists against it, such as when it has been stolen or transferred as a result of Fraud.
Since commercial paper constitutes Personal Property , it is transferable by sale or gift and can be loaned, lost, stolen, and taxed. Commercial paper is a specific type of property primarily governed by article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which is in effect in all 55 states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. Although Louisiana has not enacted all the articles of the UCC, it has adopted article 8.
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6595s, "to write down on paper," from paper (n.). Meaning "to decorate a room with paper hangings" is from 6779. Related: Papered papering. Verbal phrase paper over in the figurative sense is from 6955, from the notion of hiding plaster cracks with wallaper.
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