Posted on the 03 February 2015 by Rodeomurrays4
Are you tired of all the volleyball posts and pictures, yet? So is Britt, so you're in good company. Ha! I tired to capture some more fun pictures this past tournament. Action shots are so hard to get, because you never know when your kid is going to get the ball, and if you watch through your camera, you miss the live show. What a dilemma to have! I think I managed to get some cool pictures, though, and they still tell a story... Which is what I have realized I am all about. Telling "The Story," whatever the context may be. This particular story began very early in the morning - 4:30 AM. We are still learning about these tournaments - the process is ongoing, no doubt. I realized at the last one that she needed a soft blanket, and so wah-lah! I found this one for SIX BUCKS, if you can believe it, and it is perfect, and she loves it. Below, The Boy Who Didn't Want Be There. Funny thing - he just loves swim meets, but loathes volleyball tournaments. Interesting, hmmm? That's life, though, isn't it? So as Brady and I are trying to teach him, he may as well make it an enjoyable experience, whether he wants to be there or not. This, too, is a learning process. Our Britt has a bit of a stubborn streak - we have no idea where it came from (MY DAD! BRADY! ME!). Brady, Britt and I took a walk in between Brailey's games, which was, ironically, near the Murray Business Center on Murray Blvd. It was a beautiful day, and so nice to get out of the noise of the building.Brailey is starting to feel more comfortable with her team. She was getting fired up, which is really fun to see. Their first game of the morning went to 31 points! They won it by two, and then had to go another two sets. They won! Every game went to three sets, this day. They help their own, but didn't come up with the W's in the rest of the games. However, they still ended up 2nd in their pool - not bad! Because the games went so long, the last game didn't even start until 6:30. Yes, it was a very long day, but it was full of playing time, and that is what it is all about - experience! We certainly got our money's worth on this day. I know I'm her mother and probably barn blind, but is that the sweetest face you've ever seen?! Her spirit is so precious. Below, her serves are getting more powerful. She has a lot of refining to do, but as you can see, they are nearly a jump serve, and a couple of them were so powerful they hit the back wall! This is a big improvement over last year, when she was still underhand serving. During a small break, she took the opportunity to enjoy Brady's World Famous Volleyball Chair. It may be heavy, but it is definitely comfortable, and Brady refuses to attend a tournament without it. Britt, as you can see, is enjoying the action immensely!The next day was Super Bowl Sunday, and Britt was in heaven playing up on his hill. This is his favorite place in the world. It is so fun to look outside and see him acting out scenes by himself, complete with talking and sword fighting and shooting pretend guns that are actually sticks. Another fabulous weekend in the books! And now we are in to FEBRUARY, already! Next week? Britt's birthday! I'm sure he will look much happier in those pictures. Stay tuned!