
Posted on the 25 April 2012 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Today took me quite a while to figure out what I wanted V to be. I googled some words then yesterday at work it hit. Volunteer. 
I volunteer with different places and groups. My goal was to write everyday about something that describes me. Well, this describes me pretty well.
The job that I am currently at is through AmeriCorps. For those of you who don't know about AmeriCorps it's kinda like the Peace Corps but only in the United States. I work for a non profit called Parents Assistance Center doing their PR and Volunteer coordinating. My official title is PR/Volunteer Coordinator. 
In AmeriCorps language this isn't a job but a service project. So I am volunteering. 
Another group that I volunteer my time to is my sorority Delta Zeta. Currently, I am the Program Adviser for Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at UCO. (Univ. of Central Oklahoma)
Also I am the Exec Board for the Alumnae Chapter. I hold a few titles in this group. Mostly, doing PR and getting more young alumnae involved. My main goal is to show girls that being a sorority isn't just 4 years it is for life. There are so many great women in our alumnae group that are ready to mentor young girls. 
The newest group that I am volunteering with is Junior League. I am so excited about joining JL. We have our first meeting this Thursday. I am sure more blogs will come about my involvement with JL.