Waiter-May I Have the Bill Please?

Posted on the 11 July 2012 by Benjaminkanarek @bkanarekblog

Nikki Beach Restaurant Bill

Crises? What Crisis?  My girlfriend’s father sent us this photo circulating on the net from the Nikki Beach Restaurant in Saint Tropez, France  that was obviously photographed with a cell phone and shared on the internet.  What is even more amazing is that it is a lunch bill.

Nikki Beach

I would love to know what diner cost them? Or to put things in another perspective, what can you buy for around 107,000 Euros? You can purchase  around 15 Volkswagon Polo cars or around 90 Macbook Pro computers or over 150 iPhone 4s’s or a cute little studio apartment just outside of Paris or a nice medium sized house in the French country side or a nice little sailing yacht or a high end BMW, Mercedes, Citroen or another high end vehicle.

Feed the Children

Let’s put it in another perspective. It costs around 1.90 South African Rand to feed one child per day. That is the equivalent of around 25 cents USD per day. The above restaurant bill could feed 428,000 children for one day or 1163 children for one year!

Mercedes SL Roadster Cost Approximately $105,000 USD

None the less, wealth is really relative isn’t it? To some, this is just a drop in the bucket and to others this represents their life earnings or ten lives for many.  But come to think of it, lunch was quite the bargain, considering it was for 16 people. That only works out to 6720,25 € each! I guess it is guests like these that keep the luxury business thriving in the South of France and elsewhere. C’est la Vie!