…Walk Tall

Posted on the 23 January 2014 by Zer @the2women

We’ve all been victims of the text-walker in one way or another. Whether you were mistaken for an empty seat by the distracted texting commuter, or walked off a pier, subway platform, or other sudden drop, while desperately trying to avoid interacting with the people around you…it’s happened.

For those of us more familiar with the first story, theirs new hope (2nd story people…you’re a lost cause).

A new Australian study has found some damning evidence against texting while walking. It turns out that not only does texting make you oblivious to your surroundings, it also makes you slower and less coordinated.

So how does one protect themselves from this kind of tragedy? Well, the study found that standing still while texting greatly reduced the test subjects odds of collision or falling…assuming they weren’t standing in the middle of a sidewalk.

But if you really want to insure your safety, there is the more desperate approach — put the phone down.

More on the Story: Wall Street Journal
…just for fun: