Hipstamatic App: G2-lens & Ina's 1935 film
Walking works always - also as a ritual of closing up a week at work and moving towards the weekend.
I was drawn to the lakes, as the mild wind blew softly, scattering the clouds every now and then, releasing spots of sunlight along my way.
Hipstamatic App: G2-lens & Ina's 1935 film
It's the small things ...
- A smile and a friendly nod from a jogger, that passed me by
- Hearing a father encourage his son to make another cast in the lake; "Maybe you'll get a bite this time" - and seeing the hope being renewed in the eyes of the little fellow with the fishing rod
- Witnessing the patience of the owner of a puppy, who was learning to walk in a lead - that is, wanting to walk consistently to the opposite direction
Let us be attentive and notice one another ... Your smile can brighten up someone's day today.
Hipstamatic App: Lowy-lens & Robusta-film
Until you spread your wings you'll have no idea how far you can fly.Ray Bradbury : : :... Happy weekend to you,Ninasharing with
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