Miss Ellie off and running! So many smells to smell…oh my!
We have to take one dog at a time when we go to the river. All training goes out the window when the 3 of them are together.
It was a perfect day for a walk.
Cool enough for jackets & scarves.
Taking a moment.
I giggle every time we take the dogs to the river. They zig zag all over the trail trying to get a good whiff of the horses, deer, coyote, skunks, raccoons, possum or whatever has been through the woods. This time of year, I don’t mind going off the path so much – less chance of walking into (or onto) snakes.
A really nice Sunday!
Waiting for Miss S to return home. She texted me this morning to tell me that a few of the crew is sick with a stomach virus. What a miserable way to travel especially for the ones who are sick! One of her texts: “Ugh. Longest car trip ever.”
Spoke with my oldest daughter earlier. She is busy finishing up the semester and making plans for her visit here. I can’t wait! Her boyfriend is flying in from Germany to spend Christmas with us. He wanting to meet the family. I don’t know but it sounds p-r-e-t-t-y serious.
The dogs are snoring on the couch. Mr. B is taking his usual Sunday afternoon nap and I’m finishing up the laundry.
Yep! It is a really nice Sunday!