Walking By The River With Ellie

Posted on the 25 November 2012 by Athomewithcat

Miss Ellie off and running!  So many smells to smell…oh my!

We have to take one dog at a time when we go to the river.  All training goes out the window when the 3 of them are together.


It was a perfect day for a walk.






Cool enough for jackets & scarves.


Taking a moment.




I giggle every time we take the dogs to the river.  They zig zag all over the trail trying to get a good whiff of the horses, deer, coyote,  skunks, raccoons, possum or whatever has been through the woods.  This time of year, I don’t mind going off the path so much – less chance of walking into (or onto) snakes.

A really nice Sunday!

Waiting for Miss S to return home.  She texted me this morning to tell me that a few of the crew is sick with a stomach virus.  What a miserable way to travel especially for the ones who are sick!  One of her texts:  “Ugh.  Longest car trip ever.”

Spoke with my oldest daughter earlier.  She is busy finishing up the semester and making plans for her visit  here.  I can’t wait!  Her boyfriend is flying in from Germany to spend Christmas with us.  He wanting to meet the family.  I don’t know but it sounds p-r-e-t-t-y serious. 

The dogs are snoring on the couch.  Mr. B is taking his usual Sunday afternoon nap and I’m finishing up the laundry.

Yep!  It is a really nice Sunday!