
Walking on the Breathing, Blue Ice

Posted on the 23 February 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
Walking on the breathing, blue ice The best gift this Christmas was the possibility of spending the holidays with the family.My aunt, cousing and his family had traveled from France to Finland to my parents.I cherish the moments we spend together -  the walk on the blue, breathing ice, among others.
Walking on the breathing, blue ice It was a high-pressure weather with clear skies, sunshine and cold air ... around - 20 C / - 4 F degrees.One afternoon I went for a longer walk with my cousin,by the birch forest to the nearby lake.
Walking on the breathing, blue ice It was fun trying to recognize the foot steps on the ice - we're pretty sure that a few hares had crossed the lake before us. Walking on the breathing, blue ice
 As my cousing was standing still and taking pictures, we heard this strange low, booming and yowling sound ...... the sound, I remember vaguely from my childhood ... the sound of ice moving. Walking on the breathing, blue ice
"Walk slowly towards the shore!", I yelled to him.It wasn't very deep right on that spot where we were, but we were not going to risk falling through the ice!As out boots got wet, we discovered,thet the ice was covered with water under the snow,
Walking on the breathing, blue ice
We walked slowly by the shoreline back to the forest,talking and taking pictures ... - and listening to the mysterious, groaming sounds ofthe blue ice breathing.
Blue/ Breathe is the theme of the 4th week in Rebeccas (Bumbles and Lights) and Kristis (Live and Love Out Loud) Winter 2013 Nurture Photography Challenge
 Nurture Photography - Winter 2013 Photo Challenge
Weekly Top Shot #71

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