Wanderlust Bucket List!

Posted on the 07 April 2013 by Katherine @pbrunnerblog
A few summers ago, my friends and I decided to make our very own bucket lists. We thought it would be easy and fun. Around 2 hours later, with things on our bucket lists ranging from 'Go to College' to 'Learn how to surf on a beach in Australia', we gave up. That was that. Well it was that. Until now. When cleaning out a drawer in my room, I found the old bucket list. I thought it was pretty funny looking at all the things I wanted to do. I honestly was making fun of myself for making a bucket list when I realized that Pinterest is sort of one major bucket list. Mind blown. Anyways, I'm not sure I want to learn to surf in Australia anymore, but I have found 7 places (from Pinterest of course!) that I want to see before I die! So, here is a revised (and MUCH shorter) version of my previous bucket list!
1. Treehouse Point in Washington: 
Because who doesn't want to rent a treehouse? If you're fortunate enough to live in Washington, visit their website. You should go. 

2. Provence, France (Specifically at Christmastime!)
I love Christmas. Ask my family. I'm weirdly obsessed with it. I start counting down the days to Christmas in July. So of course Christmastime in a foreign country made my list. There was no other option.

3. Lake Retba (Lac Rose) in France
This is a pink lake. No joke. If that didn't make me want to go see it already, Lake Retba has a high salt content, much like that of the Dead Sea, allowing people to float effortlessly in the water.

4. The Secret Mosaic Staircase in San Francisco, CA
Even though I'm really bad at art, I can still admire it. This is so beautiful! And it's in San Francisco. What's not to like?

5. The Eiffel Tower
According to this list, I really want to go to France. I was going to switch it up, but it's the Eiffel Tower. It's a classic. It had to go on my Wanderlust Bucket List. So, sorry not sorry.

6. Seaside, Cinque Terre, in Italy
I've seen this picture so many places! I've always love it, but until today, I never too the initiative to figure out where in the world this is. It's in Italy. It's beautiful. It's something I'll see one day. 

7. Tree Camping in Germany
I don't even know what to say. If you look at the pictures and don't even kinda sorta want to go tree camping in Germany, then I don't know what you want to do with your life. Unless you're scared of heights. Then that's perfectly understandable. But still. Make an exception. This looks amazing.