Want to Try Meditation? Here Are Some Tips to Get You Started

Posted on the 04 January 2022 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Taking the time to step back and disconnect from today’s hectic world is a skill. It seems that wherever we turn, there is always something being demanded of us, whether in our personal relationships or the pressures of work. When things become too overwhelming, though, it’s time to disengage and come to stillness.

This mode, often what others would call meditation or prayer, is a form of centering one’s attention beyond the material world. Instead, your focus turns inward and examines your thoughts and feelings. These may then be expressed towards a higher power according to your beliefs. However, doing this can be a challenge if you’ve gotten used to the fast-paced society that we live in. So, meditation is an acquired skill that can be mastered with constant practice.

But before we get into how to meditate, we first ask the question: why is meditation important?

There are several benefits to meditation, but among the most valued is the role it plays in providing stress relief. Learning to let go of your daily worries by attuning the breath to your actions has a real-life application, too. Slowing down your breathing teaches you to hold onto what you’re feeling in the moment only for a moment, and then let it go. This helps when you’re faced with situations that annoy or frustrate you. You are allowed to hold onto your emotion for a second then release it as it is no longer within your control. You’ll be surprised how you can eventually detach yourself from the source of stress and your actions once you are able to do this. Here are a few simple steps to help you get started.

Set Aside Time 

Perhaps one of the biggest first hurdles of anybody who wants to get into meditation is finding the time when to do it. There’s also the matter of how long you can afford to meditate if you’re doing it in the middle of the day or right before work. To get the full benefits of meditation, you want to be able to do it regularly and without disturbances. So, consider your schedule and find a few minutes that you can completely block off for yourself.

Be consistent about setting aside time for quieting your mind and focusing only on that for at least three to five minutes or so. Mobile applications like Muslim Pro can help with that by sending notifications for when it’s time to meditate or pray. Reminders on your phone can remind you to take a break when you’re really busy and lose track of time while working. It may seem inconvenient to suddenly stop working but carving out the time to meditate is the necessary first step in the right direction.

Prepare Your Space 

Where you choose to meditate is equally important as when you do it. Most people choose to meditate at home, but if you can’t find the space to do so, locating a prayer room or a quiet space is your next best bet. For Muslims, the Muslim Pro app helps you locate nearby places of worship and also shows you the direction of Mecca so you know which way to face while praying.

If you meditate at home or in a space that you can control, make sure to remove all sources of noise and other distractions from your immediate surroundings. Close the door and ask others to leave you undisturbed while you meditate. You might also opt to make the space cool and comfortable so that it’s easier to stay focused.

Focus on the Breath

 As you begin to meditate, clear your mind of your worries. Focus on taking long, deep breaths to calm your senses. This can be challenging for beginners but even seasoned meditation experts can sometimes find their thoughts wandering. Whenever you notice your thoughts starting to veer away, don’t feel bad for getting distracted. Just bring your attention back by counting each breath or focusing on the sensations of each inhale and exhale.

Deep breathing also serves the purpose of decluttering your mind, which is just as important as decluttering your space. When you jump right into meditation, you’ll often have a lot of thoughts still lingering in your mind. Taking time to slow down and removing these gradually will help you with your practice.

Meditation and prayer help by relieving your stress and calming your thoughts. Because it helps you have a clearer head that knows when and how to engage distressing thoughts, you’ll also be a happier person. They can also help you feel grateful because you can see the world in a renewed way without the burden of your anxieties. It can take some time and practice to master meditation but even just a single session can bring a world of good.

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