Wapping 'Boll-art'...

Posted on the 15 May 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Phoenix Wharf Wapping...

We are on Wapping High Street which happens to be a riverside residential part of London with a very rich dockside past/history. Can I thank @vickyflores @WappingLondon on the twitter for this excellent picture of a very old bollard/cannon.
The picture is a fine example of 'boll-art' but also an excellent black/white photograph.
Sometimes it's better to let the picture do the talking.
Our #guestbollard feature on this post is an amazing piece of visual/sound artwork involving 'bollards' by @Thereminbollard on the twitter. Please do visit their website www.thereminbollards.com they describe the work has a 'sound sculpture' and it certainly is an amazing use of a bollard/object that most of us would normally just walk past.
Bollards of London...