Ways to Overcome Cravings.

Posted on the 29 June 2015 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

It never fails...you sit down at night to watch T.V. The kitchen is closed for the night. Closed. But you start to watch your favorite show, and you get distracted. You think you need food. Here are some helpful tips to help you determine if food is really what you want.

Ways to Overcome Cravings

  1. Remember your goals. Write them down and put them on the fridge. If you happen to go there, you can see your goals. Your brain will shift and remember your long-term goals and hopefully ignore the cravings you have.
  2. Drink a glass of water. A lot of people don't realize that drinking a glass of water can be a great tool for making you feel full. Proper water intake actually helps you metabolize food and without the presence of water, your body might not be able to get the nutrients it needs. Many food cravings are based on your body's need for specific nutrients.
  3. Get moving. If your craving triggers you to get up, why not pair it with something you want to get done. If you think you need a snack, tell yourself you can only have one after walking around the block. Or lifting the kettle bell for 10 reps on each side. You get the drift. It will help you form new habits instead of eating mindlessly just because it's there.
  4. Take a hot shower and relax. Give yourself a sauna type shower so that it opens your pores. When you get out, you will most likely have forgotten your craving. Have a large glass of water by your bed or some hot tea and relax and get ready for the day ahead. If you are not in the area where food it...and your mind is then on bedtime routines, it really does help.
  5. Out of sight. This one sounds easy, but if you live with someone who is constantly getting up to fix snacks late at night and making all kinds of noise in the cabinet, you are actually going to want some of whatever they are having. I asked my husband long ago to help me stick to a plan. It was hard at first, but it gradually became easier. I also make sure that only veggies and fruits are there for me to reach.

Last but not least for me, I drink greens in my water to help me fight against sugar cravings. Yes, I swear by this product, but hey, It Works! To read more about how I help others get back their health, you can check out the Vitalize You tab on this blog.
