We Are Destroying the Next Generation

Posted on the 21 July 2012 by Bridgesfolly @Bridgesfolly

This is how we should start dressing little girls – like Ewoks.

A recent study was done by Live Science to see just how much we’re screwing up our daughters. The results are in and wouldn’t you know it; A whole shit-ton. 

Apparently, psychologists round up a bunch of little girls aged between 6 and 9 years-old to identify their ‘self-sexualization’. The girls were shown two dolls, one dressed in regular-people clothes and another dressed in Slutty McSlut clothes.

Using a different set of dolls for each question, the researchers then asked each girl to choose the doll that: looked like herself, looked how she wanted to look, was the popular girl in school, she wanted to play with.

Across-the-board, girls chose the “sexy” doll most often. The results were significant in two categories: 68 percent of the girls said the doll looked how she wanted to look, and 72 percent said she was more popular than the non-sexy doll.

These are children. CHILDREN. Little girls are wanting to be sexy – even though most probably don’t even know what that means. To this day I probably still struggle with my understanding of it,  though if you had asked 10-year-old me I would have probably told you I was the sexiest person I knew. (note, I was not. I was chunky and obnoxious and completely ADD and my definition of sexy was this.)

It should come as no surprise that these are the kind of results we’re getting. Toddlers in Tiaras? Are you the flipping kidding me? Who thought that was a good idea?

I am so blessed that I was raised by my father. Growing up I had a pretty good collection of barbies and dress up clothes and all the other stereotypical “girly’ stuff but it was balanced out with a healthy collection of Ewok figurines, books, and Lego castles.