We Are Team Blue!

Posted on the 23 May 2011 by Susiemcbeth @susiemcbeth
Yep I am having twin boys.
Today was my anomaly scan and after a week of clock watching and counting down my mind was at last finally put at ease. Both babies are healthy and a good size. They are in fact the same size as normal singleton babies, something which I am happy about now – but will probably be cursing when I am 30 weeks pregnant and the size of a beached whale struggling to waddle along the pavement (but I am not going to dwell on that right now...)
They both passed the anomaly check and were true to form with their displays of circus acrobatics, when they were not lying flat on their backs sucking their thumbs or chewing the amniotic water. At one point the poor sonographer pleaded with the twins to keep still, but this was not something they wanted. Eventually however all the measurements were taken and boy parts were identified.
Oh my goodness though, I drank so much water before my scan I felt like a tiny tears doll ready to burst at the slightest amount of pressure the sonographer put on me. A full bladder, 2 babies and a feisty-handed sonographer does not make for a comfortable experience. But it was most definitely worth it.
Rob was transfixed throughout the whole of the scan. It was so nice having him there watching, it was also pretty awesome to see someone else bouncing (Tigger-like) with excitement... Though the discussion about what football team they would support seemed a little premature, but I guess that is what dudes think about.
After my scan I had an appointment with the consultant, which generally went well. My BP is still too high, and I need to have physio for some pelvic pain but I am on track, which is good. The consultant also suggested spending a bit of time swimming as this would be the most gentle and supported style of exercise for me, a conversation which ended with the consultant and the sister in fits of laughter when they told me not to do breast stroke and I told them that wouldn’t be a problem as when I do it for some reason I end up swimming in circles...
I have posted below a couple of the scan pictures I got today. Twin 1 is grabbing his umbilical cord and twin 2 is sucking his thumb...such cuteness!
Well I am off to glow happily, smile lots and spend some time thinking of boy names.