We Eat Like Kings

Posted on the 28 December 2012 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD
We definitely did eat like kings on Xmas Eve. I'm not even close to traditional when it comes to the holidays (see Thanksgiving Day wings) but one tradition that has become a staple since moving to The Matrix is Hector's seafood gumbo. Last year we did it for turkey day. This year it was Xmas Eve. Hector, Paul, Jaime, Daniel and I kicked back, enjoyed great food, hit up Murdock's for a bit of fun, then back to the house talking out on the back patio till the sun came up.

Kilo was making this exact face from 2 am till 5 am

You'd think staying up till 5 am would keep you from going out the next day, but nooooooooooooooo. Hey, its the holidays right?

So i took Deuce up on his invite head to Molly's. It was great actually. Glad I went. As we're kickin back at the bar talking I notice that this old man at the corner sitting to my right keeps trying to talk to us. Poor guy. I'll talk to anybody so I included him in our conversation and then out of nowhere he's trying to play matchmaker. "Hhhheeeyy I'm gonna innnnnnntrrrooduce you to this girrrrrrl, k?" He brings over this girl (who we found out later he's been introducing to everyone), we introduce ourselves, and a couple minutes later she's now part of the group and the old man leaves. Guess the old guy was cool after all. (This is the part where if you go back and watch Molly's security tapes there actually was no old man sitting next to me at the bar). Good drinks, good company. We got along so well, in fact, that Molly's wasn't enough for us. Politics it is! The three of us headed over to Politics and closed the night there. Great night.
Yesterday was gonna be a day of rest. I was chillin at home watching Office Space (one of the best movies of all time by the way) when my buddy Sam texted me that he could use a drink. It was early, he was probably like Deuce and needed to get out, so I figured why not. Another good decision. Just as I'm getting ready to take off, he texts back that he's not gonna be able to make it because his mom is sick and headed to the ER. Well that sucks. I let him know I'm sorry for his mom and we'll just do this again another time. Thing is I just finished texting a handful of people to meet us there and they're ready to go. Guess I'm going after all. As i walked in, Jessica (pictured below) was already there going slightly nuts (but in a good way) but only cuz she got a head start earlier at a happy hour. After an annihilation at shuffleboard (i won) and a couple shots with her, she pulled a Batman and disappeared without me noticing she had left, but by then Deuce showed up and by the end of the night it's me, Deuce, Jaime, Kenny & Patsy, Chapa and Chapa's glasses (I forgot to take pics so you'll have to use your imagination) all having a great night laughing, kicking back, and enjoying each other's company. Another great night under the belt. I can't believe it's gonna be 2013. It's like every year is shorter than the last. Might as well fill the days with adventure.

This pic is blurry cuz the guy taking it was eleventeen times more drunk than tiny Jess ;)

And now because I believe that sharing is caring (and slightly mostly because I love showing off my HD camera and video making skills) I give you the epicness (not a real word) that was Xmas Eve Seafood Gumbo 2012. Enjoy.

Christmas Eve Seafood Gumbo 2012 from Eric Cantu on Vimeo.  
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