The Brooklyn Botanic Garden is pure magic. You step through the gates and suddenly the sounds of the city are replaced by birds chirping and water running downstream, the air becomes crisp and fragrant, colors glow all around you, and every now and again fresh flower petals drift through the air and land on your face. Unreal.
We somehow found ourselves with yearlong passes to this wonderland of sorts, so we decided to try to catch the field of cherry blossom trees blooming. Alas, the cherry blossoms are being stubborn this year and taking their sweet time, but the rest of the place is in full springtime mode. We sat by the stream, ran through the fields of grass, and relaxed in the shade of ancient trees. To suddenly find yourself in the midst of unadulterated nature, when your senses have become so accustomed to the sights and sounds of city life, is absolutely liberating. It's truly like stepping into another world. Biet loved it and ran like crazy through the meadows, and before we knew it we were frollicking right alongside her, chasing each other down trails and dancing around tree trunks and unknowingly reenacting scenes from classic movies (I noticed The Sound of Music and Dirty Dancing in these photos- do you see it?).
Yes, I have a feeling that the Brooklyn Botanic Garden will be seeing a lot of us this summer. It feels like a fairytale in there, and I love it.