We have a dog here, Lulu, whose favorite 'activity' is lying in front of the fireplace and sleeping. She barely moves, only for a little walk in the garden or to eat. The other animals are a few chicken and two cows. Usually they are not much work, but today one of the cows decided to give us something to do and sqeezed through the (non electric) fence to have a bite of grass in the garden. 'The grass is always greener on the other side' seems to be their life's motto. So we tried to get the cow back into its paddock. It must have been half an hour of chasing it through the garden (yes, it's a big garden. And includes a small wood, so there are many directions to run to). After endless waving with arms and sticks, and me worrying to be knocked down by a running cow, it had mercy with the weird waving humans and squeezed itself back through the fence into the paddock. We are hoping that we don't have to repeat that experience. But at least we didn't spend the whole day sitting in the house.
Kay photo processing
Lulu at her favorite place