Nothing complicated about that.
We must chat.
That is the mantra of the female of this species.And today,fast adopted by the males too.
And the boys rival the girls on Voice chat...
I am old school...
I still don't have a smart phone...yep...
Actually just going to convert ,whenever my present Nokia gives out.
My next on line is a Samsung galaxy S in whatever "S" hubby dear pays for...
So whenever anyone out there wants to gift me the Samsung Galaxy S4,I'll not be complaining...
I'm a teacher.
Went back to school despite the carrot dangled by hubby dear(yes teaching is a very low paid job),but the blah ,blah, blah and the yada, yada, yada is fairly stimulating to my brain and even without exercising anything other than my vocal cords,the endorphins are partying all over my blood stream.
So I chat.
All day, and I fear in my sleep too.
So I chat.
No matter what the hair maybe like.
Varun Dhawan?
What were you thinking of?
Check out the video and the why and where for here.
The famous FIVE people who I would love to chat with.Eccentric would be one word they would identify with-definitely.
- Cleopatra.
And how did she get Kohl that never smudged? Me, I have tried everything-from Shehnaz Kajal, to Colossal from Maybeline to Smoulder -the Non Smudging Kohl from MAC...$2 or $22 all my money gets me is kohl smudged eyes and I end up looking BAD!
After my voice chat with Cleo darling...Shehnaz Hussain will kill to know my secrets.After all,she suffers from the same smudged eye syndrome.
Hmm...there is money to be made here!
Eyes! Must keep them open!
- Anthony Bourdain
What I would love to talk with him about is his palette. So diverse, he can pick flavours out of the muckiest looking food and speak so well about them -with a totally deadpan expression. And I'd also love to discuss his feelings -when everyone ignores his apparent good looks and thinks that French Chef Eric Ripert of Le Bernardain is better looking than him.
I would also like to coach him about the benefits of cleaner language-better TRPs -children around ,you see!
That is the reason why the wall is not so pretty...been washed off be his not so pretty language.
Food for thought!
- Micheal Jackson
Totally back from the dead!
No, not Zombie like,but in his Before Marriage Avatar.
Lovely Voice-perfect for Voice Chat.Serenading me on the air waves. I liked him before he went into oblivion-before he was dragged into all that murky scandal stuff and before he died of starvation and debt.We 'd chat about his beautiful voice and his awesome songs-Human Nature being one of my all time favourites.I can scream and shriek like him...only my voice is not as melodious-'m sure my neighbours will testify.I'd also like to advise him to eat good old ghar ka maa ke haath ka khana, after all food dished out by a mother will ensure that her son does not die of starvation.
- Lady Gaga
I'd be unable to figure out left or right or even front or back...
So Lady Gaga, please voice chat with me ,I could do with the pearls of your wisdom...
These are the shoes I am talking about...
- Edward Cullen
No, I am not a TWImom, and I did read the books and see the movies. I'm cool with the whole Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewards thing,but...whatever!
What I would love to discuss with His Royal Vampire"ness" on Voice Chat ,about is the absolute disregard of image issues that youngsters suffer from and of course the high price of diamonds.
Do you really need to be so beautiful Mr Cullen?(I'll show some respect to a senior citizen here-on last record you clocked 119 years)Beauty I get,then why did you choose a girl with such low self confidence...she never looks at your face. What a waste of such good looks. If were so pretty I'd want every one to just look at my face all day!
And the diamonds...
I know you are loaded, but if you keep all the diamonds for your facials,there will never be enough for us women. So ,let go Mr Cullen, at least let go of the Diamonds. Your lord and mistress Ms Stephanie Meyer has decreed your fate with those of image issues, but let us women have some more best friends. We need the Diamonds!
No food this time,but curiosity.
Feed my soul with answers.
And Varun Dhawan,please tell me why is your hair like that?
So, go on...
Get me Voice Chat.
And let me continue to chat .
Let me say it...
We chat- With Anyone,Anywhere!
The new way to connect!
This blogpost is an entry for Indiblogger's Contest We Love, We Chat../the new way to connect.
See the ad here
And we will get back to food ...
There is always another day.
So what are you baking today???