I know we are late adopters to being online with Instagram but thought why not give it a go. We wanted to participate in the photo a day challenge that is on Fat Mum Slim’s site and part of the deal with this photo fun is to upload your creations to Instagram so that everyone who is playing the game can see your efforts.
I for one wanted to give it a go but was not on Instagram so thought why be on how many other social sites and not this one? So took the plunge. Please feel free to check out our changing page and all the new pictures that I will add to the page with my new found toy. You can access the link to Mummy to Twins Instagram site by the link or on the left hand side of our site, it is in the “Follow Me” box – see image below.
Follow Us on Instagram and other social media
Fat Mum Slim’s February Photo A Day
I have added the breakdown for the photo a day exercise and please feel to join us in participating. For more guidelines please check Fat Mum Slim’s website for more details. Maybe one day soon I will invent my own. Keen to see your shots also post away and cannot wait to create more.