Wearing Underwear in the Face Becomes Fashion Trend in Japan

Posted on the 21 February 2013 by Arwinkim
Over some recent weeks ago, having bump in the forehead and weird canine to have sweet smile have become new fashion trend in Japan particularly for the girls. Well, there is another weird fashion trend which is so happening again in the country again. It's called Pantyface, generally underwear used to protect genital, but in Japan, it is used by girls to cover their face. It looks like Panty Hero. Whatever you call it, it's extremely ridiculous.

Wearing Underwear in the face becomes fashion trend in japan

Pantyface in a book cover

Wearing Underwear in the face becomes fashion trend in japan

Pantyface singing and drinking

Wearing Underwear in the face becomes fashion trend in japan

Awww..... wrong place?

Wearing Underwear in the face becomes fashion trend in japan

Another Pantyface

WTF.. how can you flute?

Pantyface swimming

Pantyface excercising

Pantyface going to school

Pantyface singing

According to Akiba Blog, its Japanese terms called kaopan (kao meaning face, pantsu or panties) is from the same book. Panties covering the face. The book who come up with girls wearing panties in their face is believed after the appearance of underwear-faced superhero Hentai Kamen or pervert mask. The film is parody of Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and Power Rangers.

Hentai Kamen poster

As peculiar these photos are, it all is just another weirdest Japanese normal life or perhaps it was made for entertainment only for someone to be paid to take these photos.