Self Expression Magazine

Wedding at Ston Easton Park : The Celebrations

Posted on the 26 July 2016 by Belinda Mccarthy @b_mccarthyphoto

It's time to revisit a lovely (but very wintery!) wedding at Ston Easton Park near Bath, from earlier this year. We've already seen the bridal prep and the wedding ceremony on the blog, so now it's time for the fun stuff - the celebrations!

As I mentioned before, Ston Easton Park is one of those venues where it's as beautiful on the inside as on the outside, so the fact that it absolutely POURED down all day isn't a problem (apart from when you wanted to go outside to fetch something from the car and came back looking like you'd been for a swim!). No matter what the weather threw at the wedding party on this day, everyone had just the best time, which you can see from these selected images from the speeches and the evening reception. I've also come to learn that when you have amazing weather, everyone wants to be outside, and this can sometimes mean that when you want everyone on the dance floor shaking their thing, they're actually nowhere to be found - so at least a bit of bad weather keeps everyone together and in the right place for when the dancing starts!

On the subject of evening receptions and dancing at weddings, the DJ can make or break the evening atmosphere, so make sure you choose wisely! Don't leave it to chance that they'll choose a playlist you like; discuss this with them beforehand and choose the key songs you'd like played, not just your first dance song. It's critical to think about your friends and family and what will get them - and keep them - on the dancefloor. So many times I've seen a relatively full dance floor at a wedding suddenly empty because of a badly chosen song, so whilst it's good to make use of your DJ's expertise in putting together playlists, remember that they're not mind readers - they need guidance from you on what you know will keep the party rolling for your particular guest list.

Anyway, let's get back to this lovely wintery wedding at Ston Easton Park, where the dancefloor DEFINITELY rocked all night! I hope you enjoy the images as much as I enjoyed taking them 🙂

Wedding at Ston Easton Park : Wedding Reception Celebrations

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