Wedding Shower Cupcakes with Flags

Posted on the 09 April 2012 by Msadams @HilaryFerrell

A few days ago, I shared with you a recipe for Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes and Cream Cheese Cool Whip Icing with the promise that not only could you turn these cupcakes into cute lambs but you could also turn them into the adorable wedding shower cupcakes you see above.

To make these cupcakes, you need a batch of the Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes and the Cream Cheese Cool Whip Icing, a printout of your cupcake flags (more on that below), a X-Acto knife, double sided tape and toothpicks.
While your cupcakes are cooling, you can get started on your wedding shower cupcake flags.The first thing you want to do is create your cupcake flag template.

I usually use Microsoft Published (crazy high tech I know).You can see the design I made above.Each flag, when cut, will be 3 inches wide and 1 inch tall.
I like to add an extra 1/4 inch of design on each side for bleed (which doesn’t matter in this case since I’m not using a background color).So you want to extend the design to 3.5 inches wide.
Then you add a text box that’s half the width of the flag (in this case, 1.5 inches wide and 1 inch tall) on the left hand side of your 3 inch by 1 inch box.Design it however you please and then use that to copy over to the second half of the flag.
Then you want to group all four boxes and copy and paste them next to each other until you have the page filled.
Once my page is filled, I like to add tick marks on the top, bottom, left and right so I know where to cut (I also add one in the middle of the flags so I know where to fold…make sure not to cut this one).
Then, you can print out your design and cut ready to cut. 
I like to lay my design on an old wood cutting board to cut. 

I use a ruler to match up my tick marks then place the X-Acto knife next to the ruler and cut.I like to do the vertical cuts first, then the horizontal ones.I find it’s easier to do it that way. 

Make sure you apply pressure to the X-Acto knife so that it pushes up against your ruler.This will help you get a straighter line. 

Once the cupcake flags are all cut, you want to take a flag and fold it down the middle.

Then add some double sided tape to the inside of the flag, enough to go from one end to the other.
Place your toothpick in your crease.

Then fold the flag back over and apply pressure until the flag is smooth.
And viola, you have a wedding shower cupcake flag.
Now that you’ve finished your flags, your cupcakes should be cooled off.
You can decorate them with the frosting however you like.  

I chose to pipe on my frosting with a 2 D Wilton tip and a disposable piping bag.
Once you’ve finished icing, you are ready to add your cupcake flags.
I love that add a simple cupcake flag can instantly make any cupcake look like a million bucks. 

I think these adorable cupcake liners definitely helped.I found them at Giant.It’s a new cupcake liner line from Reynolds that has foil on the inside.This helps to maintain the color of the liner and makes for easy cupcake liner removal.I would definitely recommend them. 

And of course you know I couldn’t let you leave without one last glamour shot.
Have you made cupcake flags before? What design did you make?