Wednesday 09 05 2012

Posted on the 13 July 2014 by Therealme

I can’t believe I’m that popular!

I stood up again in the bus. I went to buy burek from Roma with Barbara and Ashley. I think… no I’m sure Dave and Al saw me. I was embarrassed to look at them. I also saw Mary, the new history professor and Sally to who I said “Hello”, and she – “Nick”.

On French the professor just entered to write the lesson and to appoint us for the Friday written work and exited. Barbara G. sat next to me and we went out on the stairs. There were Darryl, Brenda, Neil and Mary. Darryl hugging Brenda wrongly touched Neil’s hands, which I thought he intended to.
-I had been touching you instead of Brenda.
-Gay. – Mary or Brenda commented.
-If they give you 100 euros with a gay will you accept?
-To be banged or him to bang him?
-Him to bang.
-No.I hate gays.
-Аh you say like that.If they give you 1000 euros… or not 1000, 50-60 thousands.
-I hate gays.
-You do, but there are lots of them.
Then a joke from Neil followed about two gays breaking a relationship and comparing the feet size to the size of the penis. I didn’t understand where the shoelaces fit it. What was funny?

With my approval, Miranda told Irene about my crush. Miranda told me she lived in Colnville.

After Maths, Miranda:
-You fell in love Nick.
-I didn’t.
-Why don’t you add her on Facebook?
-She’ll write something to you.
-And do you like her?
-Yes, but I think she won’t love me.
-Why? Aren’t you handsome?
-She won’t want to come in village.
-Ееh Nick.
-What does she thinks about me?
-She doesn’t think anything bad.She waves you.

After Maths I was at the door again. This time a student from the next classroom asked me:
-How are you?
-What are you doing?
-I’m standing.
-What’s your name?
-Nick. What’s yours? – I popped my favorite question.
-Me? – Yes it’s the real me.
-Fred. … What lesson are you having?
-Mánagement. (with Adele’s accent)
-What did they have? – sb asked him.

He entered in our classroom. I guessed it was for Ethan. “Should I see?” I decided to see who it was for, I did it, but OMG … he was coming this way. I returned to my previous position. I kept standing when… somebody opened the next door class door and hit me a bit. Nobody showed up. I decided to go with the real me and find out “whodunnit”. It was no one else but … Fred. Not a coincidence. As soon as he saw me:
-Hey. Sorry.
He raised his right hand towards me. I planned to return him with my left, but I acted rightly giving him my right one – like X. And just when it finished, I saw somebody in a green shirt was slowly coming towards me. That someone was … the professor we had lesson from … Adele. Good for me.
I immediately entered. Happy.

On the lesson where probably everyone was talking, she surprised me:
-Please be quieter! (To Ashley and company)
Ashley defended herself.
Lady Adele said:
-And what to say Nick (she looked at me) that all the time sits so calmly?
Nick? – She said it because she saw me with the guy? Own your own power? Nobody continued the conversation directioned towards me and I got assured that she has forgiven me about the quiz.

On the way out of school after seeing Sally Miranda asked me if I wanted us to go on coffee with Sally. I wasn’t ready. I never go to a café for a coffee. If they see me they’ll think I’m with friends. What will I tell home?
–What? Instead of dazing… – Irene got involved.
Ааhis that why? To fill my time. Well if the others treat me that way I won’t behave the same way with them.
Miranda: Think about it and tell me tomorrow.OK?
–You don’t wanna tell me?
–No, I don’t know.

This time I decided to wait on a bench on the square on behalf of the old times (first and third year, I have a little time left).Barbara G. and Melanie C. found me and after they invited me I went with them. Melanie told me the plan: while Barbara goes into the market, I and her to go to buy ice-cream. I … wanted ice cream but I didn’t want to be seen licking it, so I said “No” to Melanie Collins. I waited for her, she returned with two ice creams claiming one was for me. But I didn’t order…
-How much should I pay to you?
-Nick. You shouldn’t pay to me.
-Tell me how much.
-Take it. I can never repay you that you have showed exercises. Tomorrow you will treat me. All right?
To short it: After long persuasions she took 10 denars from me. It was very delicious – vanilla and strawberry. We waited for Barbara at Kocho’s and the “waiters” including Marcus and Rob saw us. On the returning:
-Nick where are you? – An unknown smaller waiter asked me.
-I’m here.
When you are popular people want you more.
I and Barbara sat to wait.
Perhaps John didn’t sit next to me because I talked with her.

In the bus Brian sat in front in front of me, and Barbara G. – next to me. She asked me:
-Nikey you fell asleep?
-No. I want us to talk something about you. (I wanted Brian to see another me).
-Wait to think of a question.
I asked her about her sister and studying. Then we discussed about the professors Stacey, Maths and Gloria. He kind of turned aside, I pretended I didn’t see him. I suppose he has listened. When Barbara was leaving he gazed her thoroughly.
I decided to allow people rather to consider me as gay than insane, deranged, antisocial…  I know many cases of guys having mostly girls as friends. Now, it’s not the best but it’s better than the fake me. Or is it another faking?

Home I thought of a perfect answer about the going out with Sally. OK. But only if we go I and Sally alone.