Diaries Magazine

Wednesday 26.12.2012

Posted on the 25 June 2024 by Therealme

Electrotechnics colloquium.

As the today’s colloquium started at 10, as per usual Andrea and I found a free lecture room where we studied. The mademoiselle was bored waiting, so after a phone problem who stopped her to call Alison, she decided to descend in the hall “to see if there are some colleagues”. I understood she wanted to go alone, but I didn’t allow it, only if she returned to call me. If she knew my phone was non-functional, how come would I know when to go out? Nobody we knew was downstairs, so… back again. I believe her purpose was to chat with whoever different than me. Failed! After her interest about my relatives soothed, she wanted to leave me again and we went together again and this time there was someone – Derek Derkzy.

-Hi. – Her usual “innocent” way of starting …whatever with people. They shook hands on his request, and Derkzy & I shook hands on my initiative. Andrea asked him about Electrotechinics and again – spoke about herself. Then they were quiet. I didn’t feel endangered no matter how much they’d talk, if I want, I can make us closer. That’s how things are generally set in today’s world: she didn’t have the gender. I tried to change it, but eventually managed to adapt somehow. If I wanted I’d intentionally sit right next to him and not next to Andrea!

New player: The mademoiselle was using the freshly arrived Diana to fill her time. Subject: Electrotechnics again.

The B.P. assistant Alison passed and I appreciate that she smiled to me – the first one she saw from us and she said “Hello”. Dave joined us from my side, the turn came to the most popular ones –Reis and his friends. It was interesting that noone of them (despite the tension between us) skipped me when they saluted and that someone from Ergin or Fred when my turn came changed his hand position for the standard handshake, but I preferred to high five like with the others – which happened. OK. Muhammed arrived who seemed closer to Dave then to me until I asked him about the yesterday’s colloquium and until he invited me to Turkey again – normally I left it for a future year. He is leaving on Sunday. He said twice “Bro!”, I accepted that he could use it with new people, but the “Nick” that followed gave me hope. Info from Diana: apparently the exam season starts from February, the fourth.

Later, upstairs in A.2, once again, Muhammed sat next to me. The hybrid from Mines 2 from my other side contacted with me about the distance from one place, while the other Mines 2 member from behind me told me to put my test aside. It took me some time to realize that Diana who came in package with Andrea (who succeeded in the quest to find someone to rewrite from) come to my row to rewrite from Reis who sat in the second row in front of us. Yes, Muhammed did come to Kochani last weekend. Before he told me how many points he got from the first Electrotechnics colloquium, he mistakingly showed me his middle finger. He apologised to me and Reis saw me laughing. There were Math results. I called Emily to ask her where are they uploaded (and Reis saw this!), but she misunderstood me. Anyway, the professor arrived, also arrived other students from other years who distributed themselves among us. A guy wanted to sit between Muhammed and I, but Muhammed didn’t allow him, so the guy moved on my left. I made myself stupid when after the professor’s question if there was someone without test I attached myself that the one next to me didn’t have, but he was there to examine Electronics…

Like the first time, the students rewrote from one another. Even the professor supported it saying he intentionally allows it since he wasn’t satisfied with the first colloquium results. It is unchristian, but when the authority approves it … how much is enough? Muhammed rewrote from me and he indicated to me an error (saw from Reis). The professor called Reis to come forward with the test. After a brief (but strong) resistance, just as I had in mind, his examining wasn’t over, but he was taken to solve in another lecture room alone and we were left without a supervisor! They returned very quickly with the professor exposing Reis’s displeasure as “there weren’t girls”!! Ultimately Reis was placed at the professor’s desk, and Muhammed kept rewriting from me, I did the same with a task from him. I believed he was more dedicated to “Allah”. Accept that there is someone better than you. If you believe in eternal life, why do you care so much about the present? I left two exercises completely unsolved, but I know it’s better than before.

In the hall (after I passed over the Kumanovo guy with company), Dave told me he left the project activity CD to the professor. I went on the iron computer to see my Math results. It was busy and 11:41 and I wasn’t sure whether Andrea would stay for the Linear Algebra seminar work presentation, so I asked the guy if he would finish in a while, he immediately yielded it to me. I opened the results – they contained the overall points. I have achieved 18.5 points! The effort paid off. This is a proof that if want something I can reach it, I just wasn’t paying enough attention about the first colloquium. I believe I know French the most from all of my colleagues there, unfortunately I didn’t relate it with Maths to use L’Hôpital’s rule on the dernier exercice. It’s great anyway!

I saw Andrea from the glass and Muhammed told her where I was. I went at the company she was with, she was looking for me for the seminar work she forgot, but it occurred to her to use my USB. We headed upstairs to check Andrea’s points (and on the stairs Monique asked me if I knew where the L.A. presentation’s would take place) – 6.5 – she missed half a point to 42 meaning she’d have to make an additional assignment. On the road to the copy shop, she suddenly said:
-Hey there it is.
And she run on the other side. Who did she see on the waiting area? I realised it was the bus she was talking about. She is so cheap? A simple sight ruins her plans?

I ran after her and we caught the bus. Fact: She doesn’t have own “self”. I knew she had a problem with her phone, but not to know the time? Then why did she start going at the first place? Irresponsibility, and this equals skipping class! Why would I have stayed alone: why exactly ME would take responsibility?

In Preevytip, after we got in the taxi, while we were waiting for the taxi driver she told me she rewrote everything, mainly from Reis and William. Andrea told her friend Tara that the one who was coming was our colleague who got on her nerves a lot and lived in his own separate world. I immediately assumed it was Nelson II, then I saw Nelson One walking on my side. Andrea revealed she deleted him from Facebook and pointed out his nonsense in the group. Nelson just passed, pretending he didn’t see us. Let it be. I learned that those behind us are the driver’s wife and daughter. And what about his commentary that Andrea is just for him? Infidelity!

Home I saw I was 10th on the Math list (or tied with No. 9) having 57,5 total points. If only the 2nd colloquium is considered I’d find myself in 4-6 position.

I remembered Trevor’s promise that he was going to repay about the B.P. colloquium sample. I’m a Christian and I don’t see things from perspective that everything among people must be compensated, but a word is a word.

Later, M. came and after seeing my Boki 13 desktop background, nervously asked if I was like him and if I had female features. I was quiet but for a matter of fact I DO have some female features. The transition towards the sexuality is not an easy process and right now I’m bisexual. My uncle said that if he sees Boki one more time, he won’t talk to me anymore. Then I don’t need such people. By myself I know that hating and repelling someone is not a good thing and may cause a contra effect. I was discriminated, but there also were souls that accepted me ignoring my negativities. They believed in me.

He asked me if I had other friend from the faculty. I answered with:
-Come on, I have and don’t ask me in relation to that anymore.
He later saw on F.B. I liked Ergin’s photos and asked me who he was. I said “Well it’s written. Read” and being aware of his I.Q. he maybe ignored the letters avoiding him to find out that Ergin’s Turk. I didn’t care. If I did, I would have removed myself from his close friends list to prevent it. Let it be, when he already decided to see me as a star, I won’t hide my private life.

Later, at grandma’s she and grandad asked me questions about Muhammed. I answered them.

Anyway, I had finally cleared up with my faculty obligations for 2012 with the exception of the I.T. seminar work. I finally have some time to rest and to fix my diary.

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