Wednesdays — Thriving Through Health & Wellbeing

Posted on the 20 February 2018 by Lwf1985 @ceaton85

The following New Year has arrived and that means new beginnings. I gave up making New Year Resolutions a couple of years ago for many reasons, which one can read about this.    Instead, I began to focus on a lifestyle plan — something which will be consistent.   Most of us start off using NY resolutions with amazing gusto only to find that by end of January (if we’re actually trying) our fix has abandoned and we drop back to back habits.

This season, my word is THRIVE and during my personal experience and those of my guest writers in the Over 50 & Thriving collection I hope to encourage and motivate you to THRIVE on your life.

Among the most important sections of booming is to make sure that our health and well being are in tip top shape.   This season I’m joining with Natalie out of Natalie The Explorer &  Leslie from Once Upon A Time, Happily Ever After, to get Wellness Wednesdays, a monthly join devoted to wellness and health.   Leslie has selected ‘Peace’ for her attention and you can read here her thoughts on Setting Her Wellness Goals to get 2018

So allow’so get started with some intentions for 2018!   Not certain where to start?

Thriving through good health and health

Being healthy means not health in your body but also thoughts and soul.   So I ’d like to share some ideas to get you started to flourishing through health and wellbeing.

Consistency is the key

It doesn’Regardless of how often you need to exercise (although 4-5 times each week, for 30 minutes is optimal), how much weight that you want to shed or whether you need less anxiety or anxiety in your own life, CONSISTENCY is crucial.   Find what you like go! You will need to make being healthy a lifestyle not a quick fix diet or workout program that promises wonders but provides short term benefits.

Create a plan

To be consistent you will need to make a plan and STICK TO IT!   I’rsquo; ve & m old fashioned and love to write things down so that I make a plan of my workout regime and place it on the refrigerator so that I can tick off once I.

Don & rsquo, if you are wanting to get rid of weight;t starve yourself!   Cut the ‘rsquo & treats; also make more healthy food choices.   You may prefer to read my article Diet is a Word Why Fad Diets don’t operate long-term.   Ensure that you put up some prep time and your pantry and refrigerator are stocked with healthy food.   This may prevent falling down and catching an unhealthy meal or snack because you weren&rsquo.

Treat yourself to a work out gear

Recently, I had been sent some active wear out of HydroChic to test.   It is wonderful you are feeling putting on some wear.   You wish to work out plus it makes you feel good.   I like this outfit this year I plan to use it in my fun runs and because it is colourful — You will certainly find me coming!   You can read more about the benefits of HydroChic here and I plan to write a review in the upcoming few weeks.

If you’re planning to walk or run, investing in workout gear and especially shoes is important provide a boost and to offer comfort.   Shoes that are good also help prevent injury.

So what’s my plan for 2018?

Exercise — 4 -5 days each week including two runs with my Saturday Sisters (the women I operate with), yoga, pilates and moderate weight training.

Choose healthier eating options —  I want to be alcohol free Monday to Friday and choose to healthier food options.   I’ll indulge a bit although never to reverse of the work for the week.   Though life would be dull we must treat ourselves.   You could treat yourself as an alternate with a new outfit, a facial or massage. They seem like a great idea to me!

Mental Health — come back to my daily ritual that I let go past the second half of this past year.   Taking a few moments to reflect and give courtesy and just delight in clearing my thoughts before the afternoon takes over.

Spiritual Health — enjoying my loved ones and friends and performing to bring joy and happiness to my life.   Including giving back to other people which could be rewarding.

Now over to you —   are you going to be Thriving through good health and health in 2018?

Let’s Keep Sizzling!

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