THIS WEEK: Favorite Memory
My memory that I am most grateful for is the time with my grandpa. My grandpa passed away about a year ago. I miss him a lot. At his funeral we did a time where anyone could talk about their memory of him.
One of my favorite memories of him is when I was little. He would also check my teeth to see if they were loose. If any were close he would pull them out with pillars. He would do the normal one, two, three and pull. Then tell me he didn't get while I was halfway down the hall screaming. Of course, he got it but loved to be a trickster.
Another would be the times he would take me for a cheeseburger a few towns over in his airplane. I remember landing at the airport and walking to the cheeseburger shop. When I was little I had no idea how much airplane gas was and didn't get why it was called the $50 cheeseburger.
What's your favorite memory?