
Posted on the 18 March 2014 by Maggyruth @maggyruth

My first weekend here in Nica has been both an opportunity to relax and an opportunity to learn. Since I got here a day early, I had the opportunity to visit the laguna a whole week before almost everyone else. One word-gorgeous. It was nice to have a chance to hang out for a day and get acclimated to the weather, the time difference, and have some extra yummy food (Tostones con queso? Si!)

The next day, after everyone else arrived, we were off to Matagalpa to visit one of two casa maternas we would visit this trip. Along the way there was tasty fruit…and we seem to have way too much fun picking out our treats for the bus ride.

I don’t have pictures from the casa maternas we visited on my iPad (will add some later), but the work they are doing is amazing. I was particularly moved by the work done at the casa materna in Jinotega…they focus not only on insuring that the women who may be considered higher risk have the chance to access medical care and hospital during labor (though there are other issues going on there, the presence of casa maternas has done amazing things for the maternal mortality rate in Nicaragua), but also on the underlying societal issues that affect the women they serve-in particular abuse and sexual violence. I am intrigued by their work and hope to reflect more on it a little bit later.

The night we stayed in Matagalpa we visited this fantastic restaurant for dinner. The food was so-so, but the environment was amazing. The booths were painted with feminist quotes and words of empowerment…I don’t remember the full translation for this particular quote, but I do recall the end being particularly powerful to me. (I’ll double check the translation and post it later.)

The land is beautiful. The people are beautiful. I can’t wait to see more.