Diaries Magazine

Weekend Celebrations!

Posted on the 24 June 2013 by Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hey everyone!
So this weekend was my little sisters birthday - she turned 24! (im 26, just sayin') and myself and my sisters went to dinner at the local pizzeria and then out for a few drinks afterwards! i just wanted to let you see some of the pictures from the weekend :)
Weekend Celebrations! 
This is me in my lovely dress i bought from... George at Asda believe it or not! it has a side peplum and is texturised, i added the belt and wore with black wedges.
Weekend Celebrations! 
Me and my best friend Sarah Jane - i love this picture!! She has used the new nice n easy xtreme n easy in flame red by the way folks, if you want hair her colour! her dress is from New look.
Weekend Celebrations! 
Mandy aka birthday girl! her dress is from Asos and it has a droop with the same detailing at the back as it has at the neckline.
Weekend Celebrations! 
Sarah Jane and Mandy being COMPLETELY inappropriate in the restaurant! Napkin hats!
Weekend Celebrations! 
Oh why not! NAPKIN HATS! Katy (left, my sister!) had a hat disaster - she unfolded the hat... epic fail!
I hope you all enjoyed my weekend pictures! let me know if this is something you want to see more of!

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