I never thought I would say this, but thank god its Monday!? I hope your weekend was every bit as lovely as mine and all of the mommies had a great day. Our party was smashing success.
I can safely say that it was the best party we ever had.
Thai chicken
The key was having the kids bouncing happily away in a bounce house and keeping the adults well lubricated and fed. We had crabcakes, salmon and lobster phyllo cups, lamb chops,and these amazing Thai chicken hors d'oeuvres that were a new thing for us.
Mini cupcakes meant that there were no half eaten slices of cake all over the place. My croquembouche was a bit lopsided.
Last time I made one was for a New year's eve party and it was great. The caramelized sugar did not like the humidity.
The whole thing was exhausting and I ended up wearing bunny ears. Sunday was a great day to share with my little girl. We saved the present opening until her actual birthday. THEN, I got to open my mother's day gift!
Chicken butt.