My life is far from a beach but in my desperate attempt to mentally hold on to this summer which at this point is a distant memory at best; I had to post these beach pics. Unfortunately the beach was not my destination this past weekend. I could only wish. Our temperatures dipped into the low 50′s. Between trying to keep warm in bed, sleep of this awful fatigue flare, and drink hot tea these beach pictures were my saving grace. Thankfully several weeks ago I forced myself to go to the beach the one opportunity I knew I would have all summer. Thank god I did. It was a lovely moment and a lovely day. These pictures are a relic of that pleasant but fleeting moment. Is it just me or does the beach just make all your troubles, worries, aches, and pains melt away? I’ll have these pictures to keep my heart warm when the cold brutal winds of winter are piercing my soul and dividing my psyche. I’ll look back at these pictures and remember life’s a beach and to sit back , relax, and take it all in stride.
Have a blessed week,
the gluten free chef