Weekend Snacks

Posted on the 16 May 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

I have big news! I got a new job at Sperry Top-Sider!!! I don’t officially start until after Memorial Day but today and tomorrow I am in sales meetings with the whole company learning about the products and marketing strategy for the upcoming season! I am super excited for this opportunity and can’t wait to start.

Rewind to Saturday. Let’s do a weekend for my WIAW post. I always struggle with staying on track over the weekend. And this Mother’s Day was no exception.

I went up to my parents house for the sister’s lacrosse game and prom. It was a great day with my family with lots of good eats (maybe too much!)

Breakfast: 1/2 cup egg whites, nutritional yeast, feta cheese and sriracha on top for some spice. I had Chobani vanilla yogurt on the side.

My mom had lunch waiting for me when I got to my parents house. She also had lots of snacks out which is my biggest weakness.

I think I ate this entire jar of M&M’s.


  For dinner we had a giant salad, sautéed veggies, chicken, turkey and corn on the cob! It was amazing!

I ate way too much food and definitely felt it as I drove home that night. It was all very good, but I tend to ruin my diet every weekend because of all my mindless snacking. But, it’s ok. I am working on it. I have a new job to get ready for! yipeeee

Question: What is the biggest indulgence you have had lately?