As soon as we could both get off work and get freshened up, B and I hit the road. One of his very good friend's lost his grandmother so we went to the visitation and had plans to go have dinner afterwards. So, fast forward and we arrive at the restaurant. We had to wait for a moment for a table to be available, and when we did we headed over to take a seat. I get set down, take a glance at B and he has this horrible look on his face. I asked him "What?!" and he nods in the direction of the table sitting next to us. One look and I knew. His ex-wife was sitting there at that table. Yes, the table next to us. I think for a moment he didn't quite know what to do, but as for me- I was trying not to laugh. You see, I believe in karma, and I think this was karma working at it's finest. ;) I quickly told B to "Shake it off!" and he did, but I was wondering for a second there how this was going to play out. And yes, I'll admit it- While he was gone to the salad bar I looked her direction, tried to get her to make eye contact with me, and placed my hand just where her little nosey eyes could see my ring because, duh!, you know she was wanting to. I made it easy. Nice of me, huh? :) They weren't there long and were out the door. And by "they" I mean she was a third wheel. HA. Like I said, karma baby. Karma. But I'm very glad it happened. I've seen her several times myself, but never with B in my company. And when you live in a small town, it's bound to happen. So yes, I'm very glad it happened. Maybe her curiosity was met. ;) Annnnnyways! After that interesting dinner, we made a stop in Wal-mart, and then went home and watched our show, DDD. And had an early night.
It started out normal. B went to work and I went to town to get a few items for the house and some mailing supplies. We had plans to take a mini photo session (done ourselves) that afternoon when he got off work so I was supposed to been dressed and ready at 12. So you see how when I stood 30 MINUTES in line at the Post Office, I was more than a tad irritated. I mean really, there was ONE lady working on a Saturday in December? C'mon... Well, the location we were going to take the pictures was having an event there this weekend, so turns out our plans got flopped upside down anyway, but still. So we still got ready and grabbed a quick lunch before heading to B's church. There was a wedding going on and since my babe does the sound at church, his services were needed. I merely went to watch, c'mon. ;) But it turned out to be that I helped B & Jennifer and the wedding went on and was very pretty. But gosh, it's really put me in the mood to get married now. Good thing I have that pretty riiiiiing! ;) After the wedding, we headed back to town and grabbed some early dinner. I picked the place and it was the worst thing I did all day. We had HORRIBLE service (annnnnd yes, for those who know me, I WILL be complaining!) so after that we needed to lighten my mood. So, we went to Lowe's and looked around at some things, made another run in Wal-Mart, rented a movie (Wanderlust- DO NOT WASTE YOUR $$!) and then had a nice night in. And I slept like a baby.
Up and ready for church. Quick lunch of leftovers. And off to our make up photo shoot. So, I'm working with my camera, the tripod, and the 10 second self-timer when the most miraculous thing happened!
Up walks a lady and offers to do the photos for us. And this lady- one of the professional photographers in town! Score! She did my senior pictures (not sure about B!) and I just thought it was SO sweet for her to take time out of HER day and come offer to use my camera and get us some shots and save me from all the running. So, ladies, the Christmas card pictures have been shot, made, and ordered. I'm hoping to pick them up tomorrow, but don't worry! I'll show you loves when I get a copy in! So that's been our weekend. Now, I'm honestly just relaxing on the couch and taking in what a sweet life I'm blessed with! Love it! What did YOU do all weekend?