{be greater than average}
What’s better to start your Saturday morning with than math geek humor? I suppose you could call this a math pun. It’s my way of compensating for what is turning into a post with a serious tone, but I don’t want to take away from the importance of the message here too much. The message: be greater than average. Be something larger than yourself. Be your best you.
Let’s start with the idea that you are you. The scientists out there can tell you when your personality forms fully, when your brain matures {biologically} completely, and all that pertinent information, but suffice to say, you’re probably at the point where you are you. You have a personality, a belief system, a decision making algorithm, a set of moods, and a whole bunch of other stuff rattling around in your head that are uniquely you. You also have obtained a unique skill set, either through natural genetic means or through schooling and training that allow you to do really cool things.
Sounds like we’re pretty much whole packages walking around right now, doesn’t it? If that’s the case, then why do we make goals and resolutions, take classes, strive to improve?
Because we should always be trying to be the best us.
We’re all in the process of figuring ourselves out. I don’t think it ever stops. When I was a teenager, I had it in my head that I’d wake up one day and the world would make sense. My twenties happened {seriously, can we just delete that decade from my life DVR?}, and my thirties are in process. I’m turning the focus ring and patterns are emerging and I’m starting to get it, but I still haven’t had that magic moment where everything makes sense. But I’ve got a little more vision now than I did when I was younger, and I’m using that little bit of heightened clarity to make myself into the best wife I can be to my husband, the best kid/sibling/kid-in-law to my family, the best person I can be for myself.
That’s some of the reason for the 101 in 1001 list, for the charity running events I’ve been participating in, the reason for the half marathon I’m running tomorrow, for so many things I’ve been working on lately. So far, the 101 in 1001 experience has been amazing, and while some of the goals have been challenging, the biggest thing I’ve had to get around have just been limits I set for myself. I’m not good enough at this, I’m not talented enough at that, I screwed that up too many times in the past…those are just thoughts that poison potential. Just like the run I’m doing tomorrow, though, the biggest part is just taking that first step. By learning to push those thoughts aside, I’ve been able to accomplish a lot already, and I’m really excited to see where this journey takes me.
How are YOU working to become the BEST you?
- Realizing that I married an LL Bean boyfriend and feeling very lucky {I hear the power sander right now}