My office mate and I are both doing charity races for the Organization for Autism Research next weekend. His connection is a little less personal than mine {you can read about mine here} but we both believe passionately in charity races – we’re in a profession that requires us to stay in shape, so why not dedicate those miles we log for a good cause? We hosted a benefit barbecue today for our events, and it was a great opportunity to share that passion and just some good old-fashioned quality time with our friends and families.
Our flyer – and our links, if you’re interested!
On my mind:
- Date night – dressing up for Broadway with How About We {for Couples} and Rent the Runway
- Raising funds on behalf of my sister for the Organization for Autism Research by running in the upcoming NYC half marathon
- Working on the Sci-Fi reading list – books to help interest my students in science and technology
- Reviewing the wonderful presentations I saw at ICRC – like Jane Jordan-Meier’s “Appearance Matters”
- Wanting to make this chilled avocado soup from the Hungry Goddess
- And these strawberry crepes from Sand & Sisal
- I want to buy everything in the Swede 13 Etsy shop from Swede Dreams – every kind of cottage chic I love!
- Cooking up some tasty Thai-style stir fry
- Needing to see Oz: The Great and Powerful – check out the review from Cloture Club
- Spending the first part of this week at ICRC in Orlando
- Thinking about a plot twist for my book – and getting inspiration at Murder She Writes
- Looking at how my husband and I have resolved our differences over time
- Looking for new date ideas at HowAboutWe - thinking we need the chalet adventure
Hope everyone’s having a great weekend!
P.S. If you’re interested in helping out a worthy charity, I’ve shared buttons for all of mine to the right. The Run for Autism supports autism research, the Friends 4 Michael organization supports families of children fighting brain tumors, and my Uncle Leroy’s memorial fund supports cancer research. Thanks for reading