Weekend Thoughts: Never Give up

Posted on the 23 March 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

This song came on over Pandora when I was driving home one night this week, and I needed it. I don’t know if it’s the winter blahs getting me right now or the stress of a lot of things – really good things but a lot of things – happening right now but I’ve been a little down. I needed a little reminder not to give up, to keep on pushing. We all need that reminder from time to time. Because, God knows, we’re worth it.

weekly highlights ~

  • I found out my team got a paper accepted to the Reputation Institute’s annual conference – in Barcelona! We’re going to Barcelona, Spain, this summer! Whee!!!
  • I also got an article accepted for publication in International Transactions on Operations Research – this is big for me, because while I’ve published in the media and marketing arena, this is the first time I’ve published in my own field. And it’s a 101 in 1001 goal
  • I got to share a recipe and a little history with you for the 10-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq
  • I was able to share a recipe with my awesome friend Kasha’s readers on her blog, The FarmGirl Cooks
  • I completed the NYC Half Marathon, raising $1400 for the Organization for Autism Research

I’ve accomplished a lot since the start of this year – and the start of my 101 in 1001 challenge – and my husband and I have a lot coming at us. I start listing things in my notebook and I run out of room. My to-do list literally takes up about three pages. But I know that if I keep working hard and don’t quit, I’ll knock things off that list one by one and get it all done somehow. And I’ll still manage to have time for fun things like the baby shower I’m headed to this weekend, hanging out with my husband and friends, and, of course, cooking up a storm. I’ll make it happen. Because I won’t give up.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful weekend!