Weekend Update

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

What a week it was last week. I’ll call this post a Weekend Update, but really, it’s an update of my past week.

- Last Monday I had my dentist appointment during which I had gum grafting done. It went really well and was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I guess that would happen when half of your face on completely frozen. I’m healing up fine, although everything tastes funny because of the prescription mouthwash I have to use. I get the bandages (yes, bandages in ma mouf) and sutures taken out on Wednesday, and hopefully in a couple weeks I’ll be back to eating normal foods again.

- On Tuesday last week it was the 2nd anniversary of my grandma’s passing. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel that day – I still can’t believe she’s gone – but my mom and I met for lunch and it was in general, a good day. I miss my grandma so much still. :(

- On Friday I decided that it was finally time to take Isla’s soother away from her. (Those with kids will probably know how big of a deal this is!) See, she only got it during naptime and at bedtime, but on Friday afternoon, she had a HUGE meltdown when I wouldn’t let her have her soother. (It normally sits on her dresser and she was motioning towards it as if she wanted it.) After telling her no, she kept having a temper tantrum, so I told Kyle that it was time to take it away and to hide it when she wasn’t looking. She eventually calmed down and the afternoon proceeded as per usual. When bedtime came around, I was really nervous that she was going to freak out for her soother, but I gave her her favorite teddybear instead to have during storytime, and she went down after that with very little fuss. Score! Naptime has been a bigger challenge, but we’re winning; I haven’t given her soother back at all. She even looks up at her dresser and says/asks, “Gone?” so I think she knows that it’s gone. Now if only we can get the ball rolling on potty training …

- That’s all I got. I suppose it’s not much of an update, now is it? :P