It’s Weekend Walkabout over at KB’s Room and Sundays in My City at Unknown Mami’s.
Well this weekend started with my daughters prom and pictures at Coe Lake in Berea, Ohio (and old quarry). The weekend will continue with my son’s LaCrosse game.
And after all the hullabaloo and some time to unwind…
the rest of the weekend will be spent at home… enjoying mama birds and their babies, or lying down to smell the wild violets quietly growing between the slabs of flagstone. Ahhhhh.
And look! We found another nest! That makes two Robin nests in our back yard. One with 3 babies, and one with 4 pretty blue eggs. The one with the babies is right up against our porch window, so I covered the glass with paper so we don’t spook the mama… yet left a small cut out to video stalk the action. Very cool and calming.