Weekend Wrap-Up

Posted on the 05 March 2012 by Ourlittlecorner @ourcornerblog

We had another busy weekend.
We wanted to buy a new(er) car several weeks ago. Then my husband had the idea he wanted to buy a house and we had to wait until we closed on the house before we bought a new car.
So, this Saturday we decided to go out car shopping. I'm not sure how people functioned before the internet. We spent quite a bit of time looking around online and found exactly what we wanted at a particular car lot and headed over there Saturday morning. {If we didn't have internet what would we do... get out the phone book and look up car lots and call a million and one places until we found something we were interested in? Then go over without even seeing a picture of the vehicle beforehand? It's funny but it's hard to imagine life before internet and iPhones too. But I guess that's a whole other subject.} We really wanted to find a baby-sitter and asked a few people but didn't have anyone lined up for Saturday morning. Then late Friday evening one of my sweet friends called and left a voicemail. She said she'd be more than happy to help out with the kids if we needed her this weekend. So that worked out perfectly! We dropped the kids off at her place around 10:30 a.m, went to the car lot to look at the Honda Pilot we found online and thankfully it looked great and we loved it so we didn't have to look at anything else.
Here is my "new" little SUV. I really love it!! At first I wanted a newer Pilot or a 2011 Kia Sorento but we decided to get something a little older to keep the payments down a little. This one is a 2006 and I'm perfectly happy with it! Funny thing though... I haven't driven it yet and won't be able to drive it or use it for at least a few days. I'm not listed on the insurance yet so my husband really doesn't want me to drive it until I'm on the insurance. And his Nissan is in the shop and we still don't know know what's wrong with it. It could be in the shop several days so my husband will be using *my* new car while I'm home all week. I'm kind of disappointed but it could definitely be worse. I'm looking forward to driving my Honda Pilot and having it at my disposal soon! :)

This is the little Kia Spectra that we traded in. We had this car for 2 1/2 years. It was a pretty good car but had a few strange quirks and it was a little small for us. I was really glad to see it go.

Saturday evening the guys went grocery shopping while I took Bug and went on a run. (I've been running almost every day this week and hope to keep it up!) We stopped by the nearby elementary school so Bug could play on the playground for a while. Here we are at the playground.

The sunset was kind of pretty Saturday evening. 

Little C's eyes started looking kind of nasty again Saturday night so we decided to skip church Sunday morning. Bug had a pretty bad case of pink eye last week and Little C had a mild infection in his eyes. My husband has had bad allergies and felt pretty bad Sunday morning so it was nice to stay home and relax a little. We ended up working on the house quite a bit though. I haven't been able to catch up on laundry all week! And we still have boxes in the garage that we need to unpack. And I'm still trying to figure out how to organize the closets, dressers, pantry and kitchen cabinets. It's a whole new set up so it will take some figuring out.
I ran again this afternoon and we took the kids down the street to the little neighborhood playground. Bug wanted to run with me part of the way home. She ran for quite a while. I kept asking her to tell me if she wanted to stop running and just walk. She kept pushing on and ran almost 2 blocks. Finally she was like "I think I probably want to walk now. I'm tired." I really want to stick with running for good this time and really want to encourage the kids to enjoy exercise and the outdoors for years to come.
We spent a little while working on our front yard this evening... watering the lawn, the plants and pulling a few weeds we found popping up. Our HOA awards yard of the month with a $250 gift card to Lowes or Home Depot (I forget which). It would be fun to win one month and it's a good incentive to keep our yard looking nice.
I'm loving our new home a little more every day. I'm really loving weird things like having a big outdoor trash can in our garage to toss trash in throughout the week! So much nicer than having to haul trash to the apartment dumpster or set it on the curb during the week and feeling guilty because it's not trash pick up day. I also love our recycle can. I've wanted to recycle for awhile but it's next to impossible to collect recycle in a little, overcrowded apartment. I'm loving my little laundry room too. It's much easier to do laundry in there than it was in our super tiny laundry room at the apartment. You can tell we're still really excited about our house! It's a whole new world after living in apartments for 4 years.
I'll try to take pictures of our new place soon. It's still a bit of a wreck with boxes and stuff scattered around. But it's looking a little better every day.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!