Diaries Magazine

Weekly Wednesday Weigh In: Week 1

Posted on the 26 June 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Well week 1 of my Baby Weight diet is over with and I'm sorry to say - it has been a total and complete bust! :(
I haven't lost a single ounce but I am not at all surprised, as I only dieted for about 2 days and the rest of the week I have been comfort eating.
I was doing quite well to begin with, but then I found out that my Nan had passed away and I became upset - and unfortunately, when I get upset I end up turning to junk food in a big way!!!
I'm telling myself that its ok - this was a traumatic week and after all, Tyne is still only 13 weeks old - I'm still suffering a lot with problems relating to my low iron count following on from the birth and so it's not the end of the world that my first attempt didn't go very well.
I had been trialing the Special K diet but I found this not to be too suitable for me - yes its very easy to prepare! - but its very repetitive and if I'm out and about around lunch time then eating a bowl of Special K for lunch becomes more difficult than it sounds! However, I have been continuing to wear my Pro-Skins leggings and will still be reporting back with my results from that at the end of my 28 day trial....
This week it is my Nans funeral - I'm still going to try to keep on the straight and narrow with my diet but we'll see how it goes!
This week I will be trying a new diet, and will report back with my findings next week....
But for now, let me tell you about one product that I've been trying this week which IS healthy and tasty - I was sent a case of Welch's Grape Juice drinks to try out and I have to say, I have found them to be a real treat!
Weekly Wednesday Weigh In: Week 1
I am usually terrible for drinking cans of pop, but I have found that Welch's juices satisfy my craving for something sweet and tasty but without the damaging ingredients in my usual cans of cola!
Take a look at some of the fabulous Mocktail recipes that Welch's sent over to me:
Weekly Wednesday Weigh In: Week 1
Weekly Wednesday Weigh In: Week 1
Weekly Wednesday Weigh In: Week 1
Weekly Wednesday Weigh In: Week 1
If you like the look of these, then you're in luck - the lovely people at Welch's are giving away a WHOLE MIXED CASE of their lovely grape juices to one lucky Sparkles & Stretchmarks reader!
All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is fill in the Rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have you checked out my Super Sparkler Advertiser this month?Louise's blog is a fab read all about beauty, shopping and mummyhood with regular product reviews and weekly features such as Shopping My Stash and What The Postman Brought....
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