Weekly Workouts [9.21.15]

Posted on the 29 September 2015 by Mattie @comfyconfident

Good Monday Day to you all! 

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Mine went by so fast. On Saturday night I could of sworn it was only Friday. I was so bummed when I realized I only had one more morning to sleep in.  

This weekend, I spent a lot of time with my family, watching my sister play lacrosse. It was fun and a rare occasion to have all the siblings together (plus cousins and aunts and Lofo).

One big thing from the weekend is that I officially finished all the teacher training for my yoga certification. I completed the extension program that CorePower offers and now all I have left to do is get a job! CorePower has auditions the second Wednesday of every month and I’m worried I’m not gonna be here in October or November so I’m going to have to wait until December which totally sucks. I might try to get a job somewhere else in the mean time. I don’t want to lose everything I’ve learned or lose my enthusiasm and excitement to teach. 


In other news, I want to start keeping track of my work outs for the week so I not only hold myself accountable but also so I can refer back to them when I need a little extra motivation or want to see what I was doing on a specific week. Feel free to join me! Here goes the first week…
Weekly Workout Recap 

Monday: 4 mile run, 15 min. arm and ab workout, 1 hour C2 yoga class.

Tuesday: 20 minutes of total body toning 

Wednesday: 6.5 mile run, 3 hrs of Teacher Training Extensions

Thursday: rest day – traveling for work 

Friday: 40 minute run, C2 1 hour Vinyasa Flow, Tone It Up 24 min toning 

Saturday: 5.5 mile run, 3 hrs of Teacher Training Extensions 

Sunday: taught yoga at Corepower; rest day 

My goals for this week are to run 3-4 times and practice yoga 2-3 times. And (as always) I am going to focus on eating lean, clean, and green…avoiding (come on, willpower) processed foods and all the junk/snacks/baked goods around the office. 

What are your workout goals this week?