I have a fail safe recipe for birthday cakes but of course, this year, I decided I’d try a new recipe for Dora’s Mike birthday cake. The recipe was a chocolate mud cake. I followed the recipe step by step but halfway through the cooking process, the middle fell into the cake leaving it about 2cm high and with a consistency of a brownie. I think the problem could have been the size of the cake tin. I used one slightly bigger than recommended.
Take two. A new recipe for standard chocolate cake. Recipe followed step by step. I set the time for just a bit less than recommended to make sure I didn’t over cook it… but alas, it was too late. The cake was dry and hard.
I decided to use it thinking that perhaps the inside would be more moist. When I iced it, it crumbled and left crumbs all through the fluro green topping. I made do, due to time constraints and turned out a cake that was almost passable as Mike from Monsters Inc. Dora’s face lit up when she saw it which was satisfying. Our guests were polite in saying it tasted nice.. but it was dry and I ended up throwing the uneaten portion away. Sigh.
That’ll teach me for trying something new at the eleventh hour.
Have you had a birthday cake disaster?
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