Weekly Wrap Up Linky – zZZZ

Posted on the 06 March 2014 by Meltingmoments


Last night was our first ‘big’ night of being up with a newborn and a toddler. I should have got some sleep earlier but I stayed up folding a mountain of clothes. When I put my head on my pillow, Moo decided it was ‘up time’ and with a few visits from Dora thrown in (because she thought we were up having fun without her), I didn’t see my pillow again until 4am. Yawn. Dora didn’t get the memo that a sleep in was required but hearing her singing melted my heart.

Have a great weekend full of wonderful, uninterrupted sleep!

Oh and:

Post by Melting Moments. An InLinkz Link-upMelting Moments
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