Weight Loss

Posted on the 07 September 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

I am trying to get back into my groove.  After a solid month of effort, my motivation certainly isn’t what it used to be.  21 days to make a habit right?  Well I smashed that…and me, habitual about exercise and healthy eating?  I think not(!)

I need to keep pushing myself, I don’t want to end up back where I started.  I have come so far…

Monday I went for a walk; I had a headache, but wanted to make sure that I got some activity in.  Here is what Monday looked like >>

It was 99.9% walking with a tiny run at the end – so pretty amazing how much vigorous activity that amounts to!  Nice big calorie deficit of 847 calories…

Tuesday I should have gone to the gym for a session after work, I really need to pump myself up to go to a pump class – Ha!  But ended up having coffee with a friend >>

But I still did pretty well calorie burn-wise… no complaints over here.

And this morning (Wednesday), I woke up to see a loss on the scales!  It is official:

2.5kg loss since August 1st