Weight Loss Post: Re-evaluating My Weight Loss Goals

Posted on the 03 June 2013 by Monique @dustofretreats
GET BACK TO THE GYM! Quick back story of my weight loss adventure:
When I gave birth I weighed 230 lbs exactly. That is the biggest I've ever been in my life and I was absolutely miserable. I even had hypertension and was in the hospital a few times to monitor my blood pressure, and I think most of it was weight induced. I didn't watch what I ate at all which I definitely regret because if I only gained 30 lbs and not around 60 I would've had an easier time after  I gave birth. I now know for the next time I have a baby that being pregnant isn't a magical pass to eat whatever you want, and there will definitely be consequences for going overboard with eating. I have always been self conscious of my body and before getting pregnant I was about 185 which was also the most I had weighed in my whole life. So at first I lost about 30 lbs right away from the water/ baby/ placenta/ gooey stuff all being out of my body and by the end of the first year i was about 180 - 190. I really didn't do much in terms of my diet, I was eating a little less and working out more because I took my son for a long walk every day so he could fall asleep. Then I started to actually work out and I joined the gym (which has a babysitter thank God!) and tried a few different diets. I did slow carb which helped me drop another 15 lbs but then I plateau'd and I haven't been able to lose weight since then. I have been stuck between 165 and 170 for almost 3 months now. At first I tried doing a more raw diet and cutting out carbs and trying different work outs but when I was working so hard and nothing was happening I gave up. That's where I am right now. Graduation came and I started a busy schedule for summer school and so that was my excuse but I have a goal weight of 145 - 150 and I have to get back to the gym! I still don't know what to do in terms of my diet, I haven't found anything that works particularly well. The slow carb diet was okay but I was just eating chili for a month straight because there was nothing else that I really liked. 
Another problem is that I hate cooking! I usually like to cook when I am not busy and have some free time, but I have none and it is a serious hassle to try and find time to cook a meal. I think part of the problem is that I am not eating enough as opposed to eating too much. I usually eat once or twice a day which I know is not good! I also don't drink as much water as I should. I also have a bad habit of buying fresh fruit and vegetables but never eating them, and they end up going bad. So really I just need a complete diet overhaul.  
Weight Loss Goals
Goal 1: Start going to the gym one night a week to start off, and then move up to 2 nights a weekGoal 2: Drink 2 liters of water a dayGoal 3: Start eating more calories during the day instead of just one or two meals or unhealthy snacks. I also want to invest in a high powered blender so that I can make smoothies. The one I have now makes the smoothies chunky and it's hard for me to drink them without getting grossed out.Goal 4: cut out the snacking!! I am having teeth problems anyway so there is even more incentive to stop snacking or else not only will I be overweight but I'll have no teeth :-[Goal 5: Get down to 160 by July! That's 10 lbs in a month or 2.5 lbs per week, it seems doable to me.  Ultimately I'd like to be around 150 by the end of the summer. Goal 6: Eliminate belly flab and love handle area. I am very happy with my legs and my arms are okay, but my midsection is a MESS. I really really really REALLY want to wear a bikini again. I also want to be able to wear a crop top, and seeing girls my age with normal bodies really gets me upset. I am going to try to use this as a motivation to work harder instead of letting it depress me.
So those are my short term goals. I let myself have a little break from dieting and exercise because I was getting stressed out after working really hard and seeing no results but I am not going to let my mini vacation become permanent. I know it is important to accept myself and my body for who I am BUT it is also important to be healthy and fit and in the best possible shape I can be for both my body and  my mind. So while I accept where I am currently and I give myself props for how far I have come, I am not going to stop until I am in optimal shape for myself. There is a fine line between not beating yourself up and letting yourself go because you want to love yourself for who you are. Being fit and in shape is important for everyone!  Always love yourself but don't settle for anything less that being your best self.  You don't have to look like a model because we all have different body types and it is unrealistic to have a goal of looking like someone you can't be.
I'd like to have more interaction with my readers! Do you have any fitness goals?