Welcome to Bollard News...

Posted on the 18 April 2016 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon
Welcome to a new Monday feature on the blog, Bollard News where I'll round up some of the interesting articles that happen to be appearing on the World Wide Web via Google.

Bollard News 18.4.2016...

First story we'll take a look at a story that appeared in the Metro Newspaper on the 12.4.2016 and just shows the length a council will go to to stop people driving across a grass verge. For full story just click on the link below.
'Council install concrete bollards to stop family using own drive'
Second story is from the website i.stuff.co.nz and relates to Australia's terror guidelines. Terrorism is global and anything that can be done to mitigate certain types of attacks using bollards/street furniture must be a good thing.
'Australia's terror guidelines urge blast mitigation measures in public areas'
Final story this week is simple and the news after a long break and huge change in my life I decided to bring the blog back out of exile/retirement. Can I thank you all for the hits, messages and photographs of bollards that have already started coming in.
Bollards of London...

Welcome to Bollard News...

A Regents Park Crown Estate Bollard...