Self Expression Magazine

Welcome To MAA {Minecraft Addicts Anonymous}

Posted on the 26 June 2013 by Thibben @aspieadventures
Welcome To MAA {Minecraft Addicts Anonymous}Minecraft! I'm not sure what to make of it. For the longest time everything was super realistic & the graphics blew my old video games out of the water but even my original Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo had better graphics than this. They love it though! Not only does Jayden love to play it but he also wants to watch it on YouTube. Just random other kids taking a videos of themselves playing minecraft is apparently almost as enjoyable as playing it.....what does that say about the game....
It's pretty well known, I spoil my kids pretty bad. If they are into something I usually find a way to be into it too. Minecraft is a bit tricky for me because its just not my thing but when they showed me a video from youtube some little genius put together that is him playing minecraft while another sings new words to I'm Glad You Came by The Wanted. Now, just to clarify I have know idea what I'm Glad You Came by The Wanted is but I think I've listened to it on a radio somewhere because it seemed very familiar. I'm a big fan of changing the words & making funny songs so this thing really got me! It's hilarious! You need to watch this video....your kids have probably already seen it but show them to, if they are into Minecraft! You will be a cool parent for about 3:18. 

The boys asked to download an app on the iPod Touch so they could 'Mincraft' pictures that they take. Below are some of their proudest moments.
Welcome To MAA {Minecraft Addicts Anonymous}

Zion in full MINECRAFT mode!

Welcome To MAA {Minecraft Addicts Anonymous}

Samantha & I were Minecrafted!

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